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The company Sly Fox LLC, VAT: 09223550, with its registered office at Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, is registered in the Commercial Register in file C 117909 kept at the Regional Court in Brno.



By placing an order, the buyer accepts these terms and conditions for the delivery of goods. The relationship between the buyer and the seller is governed by these terms and conditions, which are binding on both parties. The seller undertakes to deliver the ordered goods to the buyer under the conditions set out in these terms and conditions and the buyer undertakes to take over the ordered goods and pay the purchase price to the seller for it.


The seller is not responsible for the delay in handing over the goods to the buyer due to an incorrect order or his absence at the address given in the order. In the absence of the buyer, the seller may, by agreement, leave the ordered goods for collection at the Technická 2848/8, 616 00 Brno (BUT FEEC T8 building) .

The goods can be ordered by personal, telephone or electronic order. The order must contain the following data: type and quantity of goods, place of delivery and identification data of the buyer (name, surname, address, telephone), or identification data of the receiving person, if the goods are not taken over by the buyer. The order is a draft purchase agreement. No formal confirmation of the order by the seller is required to conclude the purchase contract, the contract is then created by the delivery of the goods.

The goods can be delivered to you by our company to the specified address, or you can pick them up at a person at our establishment, address Technická 2848/8, 616 00 Brno (BUT building FEKT T8) during the working hours of the establishment. The order must be placed at least two working days in advance before the required delivery! In the event of a later cancellation of the order, the seller is entitled to compensation, especially costs associated with the production and dispatch of goods.


The offer prices listed on the seller's website are valid at the time of ordering. The seller reserves the right to change prices. The purchase price will be paid by the buyer upon receipt of the goods, in cash, or by transfer to an account or payment card through our website.

An invoice issued on the basis of an order between the seller and the buyer is also a tax document. Acceptance of the goods by the buyer is possible only after its full payment, unless otherwise agreed.


We provide delivery of your ordered goods. We reserve the right to temporarily cancel this service if the conditions do not allow it (vehicle failure or bad weather). We deliver Mon - Fri from 6:30 to 18:00, SAT - SUN from 7-8 to 10-11. We reserve the right to delivery time + - 30 minutes from the ordered goods._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


Traffic settings:
Brno - city (+ surroundings of Kurim): from CZK 1,000 FREE , otherwise CZK 150

Brno - countryside: from CZK 2,000 FREE , otherwise CZK 250


We provide a one-day warranty on our products. The products must be stored at a temperature of up to + 8 ° C.


In accordance with the provisions of §53 of the Civil Code, the buyer has the option of withdrawing from the contract by means of distance communication without giving a reason within 14 days of receipt of the goods. However, this right does not apply to the supply of perishable goods.


All handling of personal data of buyers is governed by Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the protection of personal data. The personal data that the buyer states in the order is used only for the correct execution of the order and delivery. Personal data will not be provided to a third party or otherwise used without the consent of the holder of this data, except for the actual transport of goods, where it is necessary to provide basic personal data for delivery of ordered goods to the buyer. The buyer has the right at any time to request the cancellation and deletion of his personal data from the seller's database. By using the services of the seller's online store, the buyer agrees to the collection of his personal data needed to carry out and fulfill the order and delivery.


The buyer is obliged to inspect the goods after receipt in order to detect any defects and damage. The Buyer is obliged to immediately report any defects to the Seller. We are not liable for defects arising after acceptance. The warranty only covers manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover defects caused by improper storage.

Complaints, including the elimination of defects, must be settled without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of the complaint, unless the Seller and the Buyer agree on a longer period. After the expiration of this period, the Buyer is granted the same rights as if it were an irreparable defect.

The place for making a complaint is the contact address of the Seller.

Procedure in case of a possible complaint:

  • inform us about the complaint by phone, e-mail or in writing

  • bring the goods and a copy of the invoice to the establishment.



These terms and conditions are valid as stated on the seller's website, on the day of sending the electronic order to the buyer or on the day of placing the telephone order to the seller.

By sending an electronic order or placing a telephone order, the buyer unreservedly accepts all provisions of the terms and conditions as valid on the day of sending / placing the order, as well as the price of the ordered goods (including any shipping costs) listed in the price list on the website. The buyer is bound by the order for the period set for the delivery of goods. The participants have agreed that, unless the conditions expressly provide otherwise, their rights and obligations are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations, in particular the Civil Code (if the buyer is a person using the goods for business), as amended.

+420 777 252 988

+420 775 106 909 

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